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Welcome To My Website


We live in a world where time is our most precious commodity. The idea of spending your whole life working just so that you can retire when you are old and honestly not in the mood to “live” anymore is scary, to say the least.

You wake up, go to work, come home and then you are so tired that you jump on a couch and binge watch the remainder of your left over time.

Surely it is not just me…

Then one day when you finally decided to open up YouTube and type in these words “How To Make Money Online” and hit enter and dive straight into a rabbit hole of thousands of people trying to convince you to buy their course, join their newsletter and spam you with the most annoying, generic cringe content you will ever encounter. Yea I have been down that road. BLEH! Let’s be honest that is why you are jumping around from drop-shipping to SMMA all the way to Affiliate Marketing.

It took me a while to really come to a point where I decided to stop jumping around between all the various ways to earn some extra income in my spare time to actually choosing one thing, research and build it myself from scratch rather than relying on some internet guru clone that charges thousands of dollars on a generic model that Chat GPT can spit out in a matter of seconds for free!

Enough ranting haha let’s get to a point.

Why I Started My Site:

The main reason for starting my site, is to help those struggling, to achieve a form of freedom that you sadly cannot really achieve in a traditional sense anymore. My approach is to give as much valuable information, easy to follow guides and no crazy expensive courses. I am not a GURU I am simply a guy that wants to help you achieve something you can call your own and help you on a journey that seems to good to be true.

Things I will be talking about:

  1. Websites/Blogs: There is a lot that goes into running a successful website & blog, countless hours of research, optimization and the big grind to populate it the right way.
  2. Social Media: Really nothing beats the power of social media when it comes to reaching your audience and that is why doing it the right way can be such a game changer.
  3. Monetization Methods: Sometimes its easy to miss a huge opportunity simply by not knowing it exists, I want to show you there is so many ways to monetize yourself or your brand online.
  4. Affiliate Marketing: This is the big one… Throughout all ages the one thing that was always there and always will be there is “sales”. Affiliate Marketing is probably the best and most effective way to earn income.
  5. Passive income: Its a taboo word for the last few years since it attracts scammer and swindlers from all over the world to try their luck at making a few bucks while promising something that to an extend is not really possible. Now don’t get me wrong, passive income is a thing, however it really has a lot of moving parts before the passive part kicks in.

My Journey:

  1. Traditional Business: Since I was 10 years old, my brother and I would always try our luck at making money with various methods. After failing a few times, we finally settled with our own marketing company back in 2013 which is still running to this day.
  2. Online Business: I have tried it all, Drop Shipping, SMMA, Digital Marketing, Day Trading, even those survey sites haha. Needless to say… I have failed multiple times because of the shiny object syndrome that so easily distracts us from focusing on building a proper online business.
  3. Now: I have settled on the education route which I should have done years ago because I know it runs in my family and never wanted to believe that I could teach anyone.


Thank you for your time and interest, I believe that as time goes by we can all learn something new and I hope that the articles that I will be presenting will have a positive outcome to you and that it will help you in your journey to make money online.

Table Of Contents

I want to help 1k creators quit their jobs.
  • +27 71 872 1037
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